7 Things to Know About Santa Rosa De Lima

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Santa Rosa De Lima
Source: Lucía Calderón Portugal

The original name of Santa Rosa De Lima is Isabel De Flores who was born in April 1586 in Peru. She was a popular Spanish colonist in Lima, Peru and was a saint of entire South America. She was born to Gaspar del Flores, a well-to-do Spaniard and Maria del Olivia. Just keep on reading to reveal some of the amazing facts about Santa Rosa De Lima.

1. Family History of Santa Rosa De Lima

Family History of Santa Rosa De Lima
Source: ana ortiz de valles

Santa Rosa De Lima was born in a wealthy and well to do family and gradually got her interest in spirituality and wanted a spiritual life, which was not accepted by her mother. Mother of Santa Rosa De Lima wanted to marry her at a very early age. She fought for ten years with her mother and then Catherine of Siena became her role model who helped her to gain spiritual life.

2. Lifestyle of Santa Rosa De Lima

Lifestyle of Santa Rosa De Lima
Source: Leticia Chamorro

Santa Rosa De Lima lived a very austere life. She chooses to live alone in a separate hut, in her family garden. To show her simple lifestyle, she wore a crown oh thrones, kept fasts and slept on the bed having broken glasses. Her life was fully devoted towards spirituality which was clear from the way of living.

3. Santa Rosa De Lima’s daily work

Santa Rosa De Lima’s daily work
Source: G. D. Vicente Torres

The daily work of Santa Rosa De Lima includes selling flowers which she used to grow in her garden and her fine needlework. She even sold lace and embroidery clothes. She wanted to become a nun but her father opposed her demand and deterred her from becoming a nun.

4. Became First Saint

Became First Saint
Source: Enrique López-Tamayo Biosca

Santa Rosa De Lima was the first in America to be declared a saint. She was given the status of being holy by Pope in May 1667. There are stories that many miracles occurred after her death. Roman Catholics even believe that she cured leper.

5. Patroness of America

Patroness of America
Source: Leticia Chamorro

Santa Rosa De Lima was the patroness of America. There are places related to her in the entire world including America, India and South America. The largest parish dedicated to her is in Maywood California. His pictures are also seen in many holy places as many people think believe she had deep connection with almighty.

6. Santa Rosa De Lima Spiritual Role Models

Santa Rosa De Lima Spiritual Role Models
Source: Congreso de la República del Perú

Santa Rosa De Lima has two role models in her spiritual life. St. Turibius de Mongrovejo was the first saint who influenced her life, and he was from Spain and was a popular bishop in Lima. He was a crusader and promoted religious and social reforms throughout the country. The second role model of Rosa De Lima was St. Martin De Porres who was his friend and was from Peru only.

7. Philanthropist Activities

Philanthropist Activities
Source: Congreso de la República del Perú

Santa Rosa De Lima was very kind-hearted. She worked for poor and helpless. Moreover, she often brought poor and homeless to her house and served them. She served the sick, poor, elderly and homeless children. All these activities show that she was kindhearted and believe in spirituality.


  • Name: Rose of Lima
  • Born: April 20, 1586, Lima, Peru
  • Died: August 24, 1617, Lima, Peru
  • Parents: María de Oliva, Gaspar Flore

However, Santa Rosa De Lima died at a very young age of just 31 on 24th august 1671.

Have a good trip and travel!

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