10 Things to Know about Alcudia Old Town

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St. Jaume Alcudia
Source: Defisch

The Old Town of Alcudia is a famous vacationer sight in the northern part of the Alcudia port city in Mallorca Island. The old town is known for its historical background and is encompassed by amazing dividers and towers which were built in the fourteenth century which are enlightened flawlessly, as the sun goes down. The small town located inside the dividers comprises of old structures and narrow boulevards with bistros, eateries and little boutiques offering handmade souvenirs and garments. While strolling along these boulevards you can sense a gigantic difference between the old town and the present day resort area of Alcudia outside the walls of the town. The following are things traveler ought to know about Alcudia Old Town.

1 . History of Alcudia Old Town

Alcudia Old Town
Source: Mike Lehmann

People have inhabited the Alcudia town since the Bronze Age, however, it is with the landing of the Romans that the city makes its entrance in the history books. The Romans utilized the shorelines of Alcudia when they capture this island in 123 B.C. After then the city was developed and various roman structures were created. After Rome lost its position as the prevailing force in the western Mediterranean, Pollentia was assaulted by pirates and a few times by the Vandals. At last, the city was surrendered, and the remaining populace left to make another town at a more secured area which is called as Alcudia Old town.

2 . Difference Between Alcudia And Port De Alcudia

Alcudia Old Town
Source: Christoph Strässler

Both the port city and the Old town of Alcudia are different places. The reason goes back to the sixteenth century when the pirates were successive in the Mediterranean region. They were originating from the north territory of Africa and they were sacking the towns near the coast taking away food, money and individuals as slaves in Africa. This constrained the occupants of the region to live inland where it was simpler to be ensured and to guard themselves against these pirates. This led to the development of the Alcudia Old town. And the port city was developed with resorts recently as the tourists number started increasing to the city.

3 . How to Reach Alcudia Old Town

Alcudia Streets
Source: Krzysztof Belczyński

Reaching the old town depends on where you are staying , there are distinctive approaches to get to the old town from Alcudia port. By walking it can take around 20 to 30 minutes and it is a decent walk, despite the fact that it is hot during the summer months. While a ride in the taxis can cost around 6 to 12 euros which depend on the place you are staying. You can likewise book a taxi at any lodging. While the public transport is the cheapest and costs around 2 euros and it has frequent services. Bicycles can also be rented to go around the town.

4 . Where to Stay in Alcudia Old Town

There are a number of little and various boutique accommodations facilities in Old town of Alcudia. Some of the best places to stay in old town are – Cas Ferrer Nou Hotelet which is an average priced hotel in the town. This little boutique hotel is located in the heart of the old town and offers mix blend of modern facilities and ancient interiors. Another is Hotel Can Pere, which is a one of the best boutique hotel set up in a nineteenth-century villa, located centrally in old town. While Ca’n Simo hotel offers seven rooms in a restored nineteenth-century lodge and is situated in the famous spot of Alcudia.

5 . An Amazing Market on Tuesday or Sunday

One of the major attraction of this old town is a market which is held every Tuesday or Sunday. The stalls in the markets line the external dividers and it goes on to the heart of the town. The shops in the outer area offer a wide variety of garments and leather products; belts, sacks, and wallets. Almost every shop have about same products and offers at almost same price. Inside the dividers and close to the focal point of the town itself these small shops turn out to be more interesting and amazing offering more handmade artworks , pottery, gems and much more.

6 . You Can Explore Historical Roman Artifacts

Alcudia Ruins
Source: Krzysztof Belczyński

Romans were the people who built up the city and after their annihilation, a large number of the roman structure were demolished and totally obliterated. Pollentia Monographic Museum is a museum which features archaeological Roman discoveries including a fourteenth-century traditional Roman building and numerous items found at the archaeological unearthing s close to Pollentia. The gathering uncovers parts of the traditions and everyday life in this antiquated Roman city, which can be explored inside the museum.


  • Name: Pollentia Monographic Museum
  • Address: Calle Sant Jaume, 3007400 Alcúdia, Majorca
  • Phone : +34 971897102

7 . Where to Eat at Alcudia Old Town

Alcudia Restaurants
Source: Fredrik Weslien

Alcudia is an extraordinary example where you can taste some of the most authentic cuisines of the region. There are numerous sophisticated cobbled boulevards in the old town with a number of different eateries a large number of them offers relishing Mallorcan tapas and there is a little square alongside the town corridor which in itself is an extremely unwinding spot to eat particularly amid the day in the sun and here you will discover an eatery called the Can Polit which is famous for its tapas and is famous with local people and travelers alike.

8 . Nearby Attractions of Alcudia Old Town

Palma de Mallorca
Source: Thomas Wolf

Palma de Mallorca, the capital city of Mallorca is one of the best place tourists can visit near the Alcudia Old town in one day. It is regularly contrasted with Barcelona for its design which is trendy, intimate, sophisticated, yet overflowing with life. The fundamental attractions and shops are located around the huge Gothic house of prayer around the ocean front. About half of populace of Mallorca live here, and here you can find the island’s best restaurants, nightlife, and shops. Other places where you can go are Soller and Pollenca.

9 . That You can Explore Alcudia Via Bus

Presently visitors can also explore the Port city of Alcudia and historical town by the Alcudia Xperience Bus which is an open transport with no rooftop. From the Port of Alcudia, the bus goes through the harbor on its way to another part of the island. The most important attraction of the ride is the Old town of Alcudia. The old town offers a number of attractions like the historical walls, beautiful shops in the tight avenues and the Majorcan bars. There is a guide also in the bus who during the entire trip tells you about Alcudia to all travelers with a microphone.

10 . Where to Enjoy Nightlife

Despite the fact that Alcudia is not acclaimed for its nightlife it is an incredible spot to have a good time after dim. Neighborhood knowledge is the main thing and knowing which places to go can make an extraordinary night out. Some of the celebrated spots where you can appreciate nightlife are Bananas Disco complex, The marina range, Shamrock bar, The Irish bar, Comics bar and numerous different spots. The port zone of the Alcudia is the place you will discover the vast majority of the bars and clubs.

Alcudia is a splendidly reestablished walled city where once Romans used to live, with ruins of much Roman architectures and still standing Roman houses and an amphitheater. A number of hotels and accommodation facilities have set up in the town and various authentic restaurants give a fascinating experience of the city.

Have a good trip and travel!