7 Things to Know about Hokkaido Milk Tea

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Source: Toukou Sousui 淙穂鶫箜

Hokkaido Milk tea is one of the famous drinks of people of Japan. It is specially made from Hokkaido Milk which is very rich and creamy in taste and is used for making many other milk products. The tea made from this milk is extra special in its aroma and taste. Some interesting things to know about Hokkaido Milk Tea are:

1. Ingredients and Recipe of Hokkaido Milk Tea

The main Ingredients of Hokkaido Milk tea include Hokkaido fresh milk (500 ml), 9 g Black tea leaves , Sugar or Honey (According to taste). Recipe of Hokkaido Milk Tea: Boil milk in a Saucepan and add tea leaves. Remove the pot from gas and stand it aside for some minutes. In the meanwhile, put the boiling water in cups and when milk tea is ready to strain it in cups. Add sugar or Honey according to taste.

2. Health Benefits of Hokkaido Milk Tea

There are multiple benefits of drinking Hokkaido Milk tea. Some of them are it has Antioxidants which protect our body from pollution and damage. This tea reduces the risk of heart attack, helps in weight loss, protect your bones, boost the immune system, make the digestive system stronger, provides protection from a number of diseases etc.

3. Best Time to take Hokkaido Milk Tea

Although, Hokkaido milk tea can be enjoyed at any time of the day but the best time to take the tea in the morning just after waking up for the freshness of your mind and also in the evening time to boost up your energy after all day’s work. Because the aroma and taste of Hokkaido milk tea put lots of energy in you to do work.

4. Best places to enjoy Hokkaido Milk Tea

The people of Japan enjoy home-made milk tea but sometimes if one wants to have different flavor and taste then he can go out and enjoy the Hokkaido milk tea at some famous cafes in Hokkaido, Japan. Some of them are Rokkatei, Milk Mura, Kinotoya Café, Amato Sapporo Odori Shop etc.

5. Taste of Hokkaido Milk Tea

The Hokkaido milk used in Tea makes it smooth and creamy because of strong milky flavor. It tastes like intense caramel and memorable aroma. It has creamy milk tea with a unique caramel taste and used in many other puddings, Pastries, cakes etc.

6. Health Hazards of Hokkaido Milk Tea

There are also some ill effects of drinking Hokkaido tea in excess quantity. Some of the health hazards are the caffeine component of sometimes causes dizziness, high blood pressure, causes the deficiency of iron if taken above some limit, it can also react with different drugs so if you are medicating, consult your doctor about taking milk tea.

7. Comparison of Hokkaido Milk Tea with other Teas

The Hokkaido milk tea is much better than other types of teas found in Japan and although it has some side effects if it is taken in excess quantity. But its rich creamy flavor and caramel taste make it one of the best beverages found in Japan. So, it is much consumed by Japanese people and is one of their favorite beverages.

Have a good trip and travel!